Samantha Richards, a junior from Chelmsford in the Culinary Arts program at Nashoba Valley Technical High School, prepares dinner rolls during a recent luncheon for the Cameron Senior Center of Westford in The Viking Bistro, the in-school restaurant.

The Viking Bistro is open to the public Tuesday through Friday for lunch when school is in session. Call 978-692-9958 or email for more information or to make reservations.

Luis Burgos, a junior from Shirley in the Hospitality Management program at Nashoba Valley Technical High School, works the point-of-sale register during a recent luncheon for the Cameron Senior Center of Westford at The Viking Bistro, the in-school restaurant.Luis Burgos, a junior from Shirley in the Hospitality Management program at Nashoba Valley Technical High School, works the point-of-sale register during a recent luncheon for the Cameron Senior Center of Westford at The Viking Bistro, the in-school restaurant.

Adah Casey of Chelmsford, a freshman at Nashoba Valley Technical High School, waits on a diner during a recent luncheon for the Cameron Senior Center of Westford at The Viking Bistro, the in-school restaurant.Adah Casey of Chelmsford, a freshman at Nashoba Valley Technical High School, waits on a diner during a recent luncheon for the Cameron Senior Center of Westford at The Viking Bistro, the in-school restaurant.

Samantha Richards, a junior from Chelmsford in the Culinary Arts program at Nashoba Valley Technical High School, prepares dinner rolls during a recent luncheon for the Cameron Senior Center of Westford in The Viking Bistro, the in-school restaurant.Samantha Richards, a junior from Chelmsford in the Culinary Arts program at Nashoba Valley Technical High School, prepares dinner rolls during a recent luncheon for the Cameron Senior Center of Westford in The Viking Bistro, the in-school restaurant.

Joshua Taynor, a freshman from Pepperell, greets a diner at The Viking Bistro, the in-school restaurant at Nashoba Valley Technical High School, during a recent luncheon for the Cameron Senior Center in Westford.Joshua Taynor, a freshman from Pepperell, greets a diner at The Viking Bistro, the in-school restaurant at Nashoba Valley Technical High School, during a recent luncheon for the Cameron Senior Center in Westford.