We strongly encourage Parents of students on IEPs to become involved with the Parent Advisory Council and to become officers in the PAC. The time commitment is minimal compared to the tremendous benefit of being an officer in the PAC while demonstrating to your son/daughter the importance of being involved in the public sector and volunteering your time to help others!
Please contact me if you wish to be on the parent PAC or if you served last year. I am looking forward to a successful year!
Parents of students with learning challenges needed for meetings concerning parent’s rights, transition planning, and college options.
PLEASE CONTACT Special Education Office
(978) 692-4711 ext. 11107
All students participate in the annual IEP meetings and offer input regarding their plans for life beyond high school. The student's school counselor also attends the IEP meeting and offers support to enable the students to make wise decisions regarding their future plans whether they involve college, full-time technical area-related employment or military service. The student's Four-Year Career Plan is updated at least annually between the student and their counselor.
Post high school transition planning essentially begins when the student enters as a freshman, explores the technical programs, and completes career testing. During the Fall of the sophomore year, all students participate in an interactive presentation with the school counselors. The focus is placed on graduation requirements, course selection, course rigor, co-operative placement and career and college readiness. In September of the junior year, all students will receive an in-depth presentation that involves a detailed overview of the application process, review of the cooperative placement requirements and career search engines. During the Fall of their Senior year, all students complete a detailed survey that is reviewed by the guidance counselor to determine the individual student's needs in terms of college applications, scholarships, employment, etc. They are also shown another presentation that focuses on application elements and deadlines for college admissions and scholarships/toolships.
All students are encouraged to create log-ins for the College Board and Schoolinks websites. It's never too early to start your college, career or military options search.
Get college information in person by attending a local college fair: http://neacac.org/
Financial Aid information is available at www.mefa.org